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                                    ALICE TPC Front End Electronics

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TPC Installation and Commissioning Meeting

CERN, 17 February 2006




  1. FEE Installation and Commissioning (L. Musa)

  2. First Results on Electronics Tests (Rok Pestotnik and Stefan Kniege)

  3. FEE Configuration (R. Bramm)

  4. DCS & Communication Software for FEE (D. Roherich)

  5. Status of DCS board and Configuration Scheme for the RCU (J. Alme)

  6. The New H-RORC (T. Alt)

  7. HLT TPC Online Monitoring (J. Thader)

  8. DAQ & ECS Systems for TPC Commissioning (F. Carena and P. Vande Vyvre)

  9. TPC FEE Calibration (R. Bramm)

  10. Offline framework for conditions data (L. Betev)

  11. Meeting minutes (L. Musa)


TPC Installation and Commissioing Meeting

CERN, 22 November 2005




  1. FEE Installation and Commissioning I (L. Musa)

  2. FEE Configuration & Expert Online Monitor (R. Bramm)

  3. FEE Installation and Commissioning II (L. Musa)

  4. Detector Control System (U. Frankenfeld)

  5. DCS & Comunication Software for FEE (S. Bablok)

  6. DAQ & ECS Systems for TPC Commissioning (K. Schossmaier)

  7. TPC Commissioning - HLT Aspects (M. Richter)

  8. TPC Calibration (M. Kowalski)

  9. TPC Calibration with laseer tracks (B. Nielsen and G. Renault)

  10. Meeting minutes (M. Ivanov)




TPC FEE Collaboration Meeting

Bergen, 07 April 2005




Thursday 07 (9:00 - 18:00)

(I) Action list from last TPC Meeting (L. Musa)

(I) RCU Review



- RCU Characterization (L. Musa for B. Mota)

- Mass Production and Test (R. Campagnolo)

- DDL-SIU Status  (C. Soos)



- Slow Control (C. Gonzalez)

- FPGA Reconfiguration (G. Tröger)

- FPGA Reconfiguration (K. Roed)

(II) Software

- DCS (M. Richter)

- HLT Monitor (T. Steinbeck)

(III) Preparation of the Irradiation Tests at Uppsala

Organization (K. Roed)

FECs Setup (L. Musa)



TPC FEE Collaboration Meeting

CERN, 13-14 January 2005




Thursday 13 (9:00 - 18:00)

(I) RCU Review



- Schematic Design (K. Ullaland)

- Layout Requirements (L. Musa)

- PCB Layout  (A. Junique)



- Dataflow (B. Mota)

- Slow Control (C. Gonzalez)

- Trigger Interface (J. Alme)

- FPGA Reconfiguration (J. Alme)

- Firmware for the Auxiliary FPGA (J. Alme)

- Firmware for the DCS (J. Alme)



- RCU DDL (B. Mota)

- RCU DCS (M. Richter)

- DCS (S. Bablok)

- Trigger Interface (D. Rohrich)

(II) Online Monitor

- Pad Monitor (R. Bramm)

- Pad Monitor (K. Shossmaier)

- HLT Monitor (D. Rohrich)

- HLT Monitor (M. Richter)

Friday 14 (9:00 - 12:00)

(III) Preparation of the Irradiation Tests at Uppsala

Radiation Tests (D. Rohrich)

Radiation Tests (K. Roed)

(IV) System Pre-commissioning (R. Campagnolo)

(V) ALTRO chips for PHOS (L. Ostermann)

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Last update 09/13/2007